“I've taken a bunch of courses, but this is, by far, the most life-changing! I find it so interesting how taking control of our possessions has led to positive changes in our parenting and scheduling, too!”

“I’m really enjoying the classes! The funny thing is, I LOVE getting rid of stuff- I just needed more guidance and motivation!”

“Your course is beyond amazing - it has literally changed our lives! #EllieMadeMeDoIt, and I’m so, so grateful she did!!”

“"I was always so discouraged by the idea of an organization course or even a personal organizer because I knew that a month later I'd be back to my old messy self. But I find this course soo encouraging because it really doesn't focus on organizing it focuses on just having less stuff so by default you don't have to clean less! So I'm so excited to take this course because I know that iyH it's a lifestyle I'll be able to keep to!"”

“"I'm still not done yet!! I have to finish the course completely - and still ask u questions along the way!! I am beyond finding the words to express my gratitude towards you! Hashem should repay you immensely!! You helped me make my home into my own the mini bays neemun (physically) that I dreamt of!!"”

“"A few things: 1-I'm loving your classes. I went to many shiurim this winter- I learned more in the 1.5 hour video than I did all winter in hours of shiurim lol! I'm sooo inspired by your actual class. I want to do my entire house TODAY but obviously, that's not happening. I did my bathrooms (2) in like 10 minutes right after I watched the video and it was so easy and DONE!"”